Have Issues With Your BMW’s Timing Chain or Engine?
Steinway Auto Repair provides quality BMW repair in Queens and can replace BMW timing chain or timing chains for any make or model vehicle. We have hundreds of customers who own BMWs and regularly perform scheduled maintenance and repairs. We frequently encounter BMW customers with engine issues, such as rough idle, stalling and so on. The main issue on the older models is usually the BMW timing chain.
Do BMWs Have Timing Belts or Chains?
Newer models of BMW have a timing chain, while some older models have a timing belt.
What Is The Purpose of A BMW Timing Chain?
The purpose of a timing chain on a BMW is to keep the position of the valves opening and closing to the same position as the piston while the engine is running. Without the timing chain, it is possible that the valves and pistons will contact and result in engine failure.
What Are The Symptoms of A Failing BMW Timing Chain?
There are several symptoms of a failing BMW timing chain.
- Rattling noise – on startup, or when the engine is idling
- The check engine light is on. Though there are many issues that can cause the check engine light to come on, this can signal that the timing chain is on the verge of giving out or already has.
- The Engine misfires – The chain connects the crankshaft and the cam, so it can cause gears to slip.
- A rough idle – to the extent that the car shakes or vibrates more than usual. A rough idle may be attributable to something else, but it can also point to a timing chain issue.
- Metal pieces/dust in oil – A timing chain that is wearing out may give off metal dust or shavings, which falls into the oil.
- The car will not start. This can be due to engine failure because the timing chain has already broken. In the case of engine failure, the valves and pistons can also be damaged.
Do You Notice ANY of these Issues with Your BMW?
If any of these happen to your BMW, then it is time to get it to a professional mechanic. If you are in Astoria Queens or surrounding areas, Steinway Auto Repair services and repairs BMWs everyday and experienced at replacing BMW timing chains. We replace BMW engines as well. We can inspect your timing chain for damage and replace it if necessary. In the unfortunate case that the timing chain broke and the engine is damaged, we also do BMW engine replacements.
What Are The Causes of Failed BMW Timing Chains?
BMW timing chains may break for several reasons. Using the wrong oil, or not changing the oil frequently enough will cause the timing chain to fail. Not long ago BMW suggested longer periods and more mileage between oil changes. It is not known if this contributes to the timing chain failures.
The second reason is the age of the car itself. No mechanical part is built to last forever. The BMW chain located between the cam and the crankshaft is constantly under tension. It is suggested that around 90,000 miles or 9 years, the timing chain should be checked or considered a maintenance item and replaced. If the timing chain snaps, catastrophic engine failure could result and cost a great deal of money to fix.
The third reason is chain tensioner or chain guide problems. The tensioners and guides hold the timing chain in place. A problem with the guides or tensioners will result in the BMW timing chain malfunctioning or even breaking.
What is necessary to replace a BMW Timing Chain?
To replace BMW timing chain is an extremely big job that takes an experienced mechanic from 6 to 8 hours to replace. Tasks include degreasing the engine draining the coolant, removing the radiator and radiator hoses, removing the drive belt components (hoses, water pump, belt, crankshaft pulley, etc), remove the old timing chain, install the new time chain placing it onto the gears and aligning with the marks, replace the crankshaft seal, reassemble the drive belt components and cooling system, reconnecting the battery and so on. Note – these are not all the tasks, but you get the idea.
If engine failure was the result of a broken timing chain, the engine will need to be replaced including valves, pistons, etc.
Do You Need to Replace Your BMW’s Timing Chain?
Don’t replace your BMW timing chain yourself. See the experts at Steinway Auto Repair for a BMW timing chain replacement and BMW engine replacement if necessary.
Schedule Your BMW Timing Chain Replacement in Queens, NY Today!
If you are in the Astoria, Queens area and need your BMW repaired then stop by Steinway Auto Repair Today!
Schedule a BMW Engine Check & Timing Chain Replacement Appointment by clicking the link below: